The Current

I am putting together the music pages on the site.

Variations on Zelda's Theme is finished. I am finalizing a couple things, and will be releasing it soon.

I have begun working on a mobile site. This project will also result in graphical elements being added to the desktop site.

My drop-down navigation menu is now functional.

Pocket Beethoven for solo piano is now complete! Engraving will begin shortly.

Block and Inline Elements

Block elements are a category of elements that start and end with a newline. That means that every time you use a block element, it will always render on its own line, and anything after it will be forced to the next line. This differs from inline elements, because multiple inline elements will render on the same line.

    Some common block elements:
  • p - paragraph
  • hr - creates a horizontal rule (empty element)
  • tr - creates a table row
  • ul - creates an unordered list
    Some common inline elements:
  • img - displays an image (empty element)
  • td - creates a table cell
  • a - creates an anchor (a hyperlink)
  • em - emphasizes text

Previous Lesson: Elements | Next Lesson: Attributes

Block Elements:



Inline Elements:
<img /><em>Emphasis</em><a>Link</a> EmphasisLink