The Current

I am putting together the music pages on the site.

Variations on Zelda's Theme is finished. I am finalizing a couple things, and will be releasing it soon.

I have begun working on a mobile site. This project will also result in graphical elements being added to the desktop site.

My drop-down navigation menu is now functional.

Pocket Beethoven for solo piano is now complete! Engraving will begin shortly.

Purple is such a great color to use if you're trying to express exquisite artistry... or vanity. It sure can be a double-edged sword, but I think it was used to its advantage in this ad for an opera. While the purple here is mainly meant to convey the artistry, it also subtly alludes to the diva-attitude that some opera singers have been known to have.

I also particularly like the paint-like texture of this piece; it also adds to the artistic effect.